Imagefap Downloader
Nov 29, 2015 - Download Freeware ImageFap Gallery Downloader. Minimalistic ImageFap and xHamster gallery downloader (Python).

ImageFap Gallery Downloader is a Python script for full image gallery downloads on ImageFap and xHamster. XHamster support added in v0.3 In order to download user folders in v0.4, open the user profile, follow the 'Galleries' link and copy the folder link from the sidebar to the clipboard. Download everything from a user by copying the user profile link. Please report bugs, problems and ideas for improvement. Features: * output folders are named after the gallery * images are saved under the original file name * queue for multiple download requests * download entire user collections * uses standard Python libraries - no 3rd party modules required * easy to use via right click© link or select©. Please direct any questions or bugs regarding scripts to the company that developed the scripts. Rocket Download is not responsible for any problem that may occur from downloading or installing scripts that listed here.

We are merely a scripts download directory. However, to report a problem you have had with any individual product listed here, please contact us and problem record will be deleted promptly. Note: Remember to virus scan all download before you install or use, and be sure to read the License Agreement before you accept ALL the terms in that agreement. Tf80sc valve body diagram.