Addon Feral By Night 3 3 5a
The feral macro i came up with is amazing and wanted to share it. This macro is mashable and will do the following.
I hope you like. Filjm nana zolya smotretj onlajn. Put you into cat form from any form 2. Prowl if not in combat 3.
Feral charge 4. Pounce if stealth 5. Maim if not in stealth (Cat form macro) #showtooltip Feral Charge(Cat Form) /cancelform [nostance:3] /cast [nostance] Cat Form; [stance:3, nostealth, nocombat] Prowl /cast [stance:3] Feral Charge(Cat Form) /cast [stealth] Pounce(Cat Form); [nostealth] Maim(Cat Form) This is my bear form macro that will. Put you into bear out of any form 2. Feral charge in bear form 3. Enrage and then bash if mashed (Bear form macro) #showtooltip Feral Charge(Bear Form) /cancelform [nostance:1] /cast [nostance] Bear Form; [stance:1] Feral Charge /cast Enrage(Bear Form) /cast Bash(Bear Form) I also have a remove corruption macro I like to use, helps free up keybinds. Roots enemy 2.
Sep 12, 2009 Just an example to show a friend the Feral By Night addon for feral druids in WoW. Very useful in learning the cycle of skills used in cat DPS. Feral by Night Addons. Download Latest File File. Overview File Image Issues Source Localization Overview Export Translators Relations.

Removes corruption on friendly /cast [harm] Entangling Roots; [help] Remove Corruption. They arn't strictly pvp, but they would fit.
Made by myself for my own convenience, may or may not be helpful for you: Shadowmeld/prowl /cast [stance:3, nocombat] Prowl /cancelform [nostance:3, nocombat] /cancelform [combat] /cast [nostance:3] Shadowmeld(Racial) Cat charge then ravage(proc), or bear charge if in bear. #showtooltip /castsequence [stance:1]Feral Charge(Bear Form);[stance:3]reset=10 Feral Charge(Cat Form),Ravage! Found these macros quite helpful, and they greatly reduce the buttons used. Strictly for Cat Form Opening Charge /castsequence reset=5 Feral Charge(Cat Form), Ravage(Cat Form) Opening Pounce /castsequence reset=5 Pounce, Shred, Shred, Melee Button /castsequence reset=5 Faerie Fire (Feral)(Feral), Rake(Cat Form), Claw, Mangle(Cat Form), Ferocious Bite(Cat Form) You will eventually run out of energy, so I keep the Tiger's Fury button close.
If you find you are losing the fight, and need flight. The Getaway /castsequence reset=5 Nature's Grasp, Remove Corruption, Rejuvenation, Lifeblood, Remove Corruption, Cat Form, Survival Instincts, Dash If not a herbalist, you will have to remove Lifeblood. Here is a feral druid opener macro i use /cast pounce /use 14. /cancelaura all your forms and focus/dispell party macros are all you need. Those are the more 'required' ones, but I personally have a ton of macro's just to cut down on bar space.
(without macro's, I have officially used up every single button slot for bartender, with paging for forms.) I appreciate the criticism, and will take your advice, new to macros. But what would be more helpful than the critique would be to drop some 'better' macros of your own. I have looked a few places and what I have seen posted aren't all that good.
Again, all you really need for serious pvp are focus macro's and cancel form macro's (or just keybound cat form/bear form, which I have at an easily clickable spot). Any cast sequence macro means you are inferior to a pvper without them, cause they really really suck for pretty much anything, especially in PvP. Here are a few of my addons: #showtooltip /cast [mod:shift][@focus][Form:3] Skull Bash(Cat Form) /cast[mod:shift][@focus][Form:1] Skull Bash(Bear Form) /cast [nomod][form:3] Skull Bash(Cat Form) /cast [nomod][form:1] Skull Bash(Bear Form) If you hold shift, it will interrupt your focus (HUGELY important for arena's.). If you don't, it will interrupt your target. This macro is probably one of the most important macro's you will every use for serious play. #showtooltip /cast [nomod] Shred; Mangle(Cat Form) Simple macro, just hold any modifier key and it will mangle.
I used this before I got my Razer Naga, and it worked great for saving a bar slot and being functional. Be careful about Shift+1 though, cause it's auto bound to switch to bar one with the basic blizzard UI. To use shift with this, you need to disable that in Key Bindings.