Villiers Engine Serial Number

Hello This is my first post here so plese be patiant. I have bought a Villiers Mk10 air-cooled engine from an aution and am now trying to gather enough info to overhall it get it running. I have found the Winget company site and downloaded the manuals they have available here but as there are two editons for different years I now need to know how old my engine might be. Is it possible to tell from the serial number? The maker's plate says Villiers Mk10 No 851/148562D The engine is not fitted to any equipment but might have been used on a farm elivator or simmilar.
The Villiers Starmaker engine and transmission unit was introduced early in 1963. Villiers Engineering was a manufacturer of motorcycles and cycle parts, and an engineering company based in Villiers Street, Wolverhampton, England. Villiers Engineering Co. The first Villiers engine I acquired was. It is an air-cooled two stroke, serial number 13.
Finally, does anyone know if Villiers Industrial are still in bussiness and, if so, what their contact details are? Thanks very much for any help. Pockets wrote:We can help you with dating look at the flywheel, If its original, GEORGE. What is it about the flywheel that I am looking for? Is it something I could see though the space arround the starter pully, or will the blower housing need to be removed? It my be a little while before I can get back to you about this as I will have to retrieve the engine from where I have stored it and if it need any dismantling it will have to wait till I have cleared some workshop space for the resto!
Thanks for the help and I may well need your stocks of parts in due couse. Pockets wrote:We can help you with dating look at the flywheel, If its original, GEORGE. What is it about the flywheel that I am looking for? Is it something I could see though the space arround the starter pully, or will the blower housing need to be removed? It my be a little while before I can get back to you about this as I will have to retrieve the engine from where I have stored it and if it need any dismantling it will have to wait till I have cleared some workshop space for the resto!
Thanks for the help and I may well need your stocks of parts in due couse. WilliamIf its one of the older engines you will need to remove the cowl, on the outer edge of the f,wheel there is a string of numbers the last 2 denote the year IE 62=1962 etc. George, villiersparts.
Classic Motorcycle Numbers Motorcycle Serial Numbers & VIN Numbers Motorcycle Serial Number Locations These vary considerably from marque to marque Engine Numbers Check these locations: Below the barrel stamped into the crankcase. On the front of the engine stamped either side of the crankcase join. Below the clutch / transmission area. Rear of cases below carburettor area. Frame Numbers. By far the most common location is on the steering head.
It may also be found on one of the rear downtubes or on the front downtubes. Other locations include: top tube below fuel tank; lower frame rails; swing-arm pivot area.
Motobecane Mobylette 1968: Forward of the rear wheel axle on left side. Matchless pre-1958: Directly below saddle on upper frame rail joint. 1958-59: rear of front downtube. 1960-67: right downtube below headstock. James Rigid frames: usually stamped on the lug beneath the saddle on LHS Plunger frames: saddle lug (same as rigid), or on the steering head, LHS Swing arm frames: stamped into steering head and/or into a steel ID plate pop-rivetted onto the steering head. AJS and Matchless • AJS/Matchless from c1935 AMC engine numbers usually start with the year of production, followed by model designation, and completed with the production number of the motorcycle.
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(Source - Wikipedia) Jampot has sections on serial numbers.