Install Wifidog On Windows

Check the sill of the opening for level. 5 At this point, put two small spacers at the bottom of the opening, about 1/2 inch in from the sides. Check for level, and add shims if needed. Use two 6d (2-inch) nails per pair of shims to affix them to the opening, but first drill pilot holes to keep the shims from splitting. After they are secured, cut them so they are flush with the siding.
After preparing the opening for a new window (see ), it’s time to actually mount the window. Here are the steps to follow: Mounting a Window. After positioning the window, secure the flange. From outside the house, rest the bottom of the window on the spacers, and then slowly push the top into the opening.
Repository for the PHP wifidog captive portal auth server - wifidog/wifidog-auth. Dec 10, 2015 - INSTALL ======= Install the wifiportal21 authentication server. The authentication server: $ wifiportal21 Install OpenWRT and Wifidog on a.
Drive a nail partway through the trim at one of the upper corners. Check that the window is level, make any necessary adjustments to the shims, and then finish driving the nail.
Drive nails at the other corners and then around the perimeter. Insert shims along the sides near the top and bottom of the window and at the midpoint, and adjust them as needed until the window is plumb. Zvuk trojka s bubencami cafe. Check to make sure the window is operational, and then secure the window to the opening by driving nails into the brick mold or casing. Apply flashing and sealant (outside and inside) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Finishing a Window. On the inside, check the window for level and add shims around the sides until the window is snug in the opening. Using 8d (2 1/2-inch) finishing nails, nail through the jamb and the shims into the trimmer studs; use a nailset to set the nailheads just below the surface.
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Add insulation between the jambs and the trimmer studs, cut the shims so they are flush with the wall, and then affix the interior trim. Inside, you can apply molding to complete your project: a stool, apron, and side casings for single- or double-hung windows.
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