Crestron Toolbox Application Download
Use MasterInstaller to simultaneously download the latest versions of most Crestron software. Toolbox [*NOTE - Requires Crestron Database & Device Database]. What is Crestron Toolbox Application? Crestron Toolbox is a diagnostics and maintenance program for Crestron device systems and Cresnet networks. The software is capable of running several administrative system maintenance operations, from network ID setting to diagnosing possible system issues.
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Crestron Toolbox is a software package that provides a wide range of diagnostic and communication tools, allowing users to accomplish many tasks when used with a control system or other Crestron® device. Crestron Toolbox is an easy-to-use, graphically based program that uses a drag-and-drop interface and provides real-time feedback. It fully replaces Crestron Viewport.
Featuring built-in diagnostic tools, Crestron Toolbox simplifies system setup and troubleshooting, saving a considerable amount of time and effort. Crestron Toolbox provides the following system tools: System Info: Displays general device information. Allows you to manage device functions and capture debugging information. Easy Config: A simplified version of the System Info tool, providing access to the 5 or 6 most common and useful configuration settings and device functions. Network Device Tree: Lists devices detected on the network. Allows you to identify devices, manage device Network IDs, and link to the SMW Program Tree. File Manager: Displays the file system.
Allows you to manage control system files and directories. Network Analyzer: Samples voltages on the Cresnet® Y and Z wires. Allows you to troubleshoot Cresnet network problems. Package Update Tool: Uploads system updates to multi-component devices, such as the AES and MPS-100 in one step. Script Manager: Runs scripts for automating system tasks.
SIMPL Debugger: Debugs SIMPL programs in real time. SMW Program Tree: Lists devices in a SIMPL program. Allows you to update firmware, verify devices, upload projects, and link to the Network Device Tree. System Monitor: Monitors performance and network data from Crestron control processors in real time. Text Console: Performs text-based (command-line) functions. Video Test Patterns: Generates test patterns for calibrating video.
Crestron Toolbox also provides the following configuration/diagnostic tools: Biometric Setup Tool: Edits the enrolled user information, categories and events for the TPMC-8X, TPMC-8T, and TPMC-8L touch screens. CEN-TIA Menu Builder: Configures menus and user prompts for the CEN-TIA telephone interface. DALI® Commissioning Tool: Commissions DALI devices. Device Discovery Tool: Configures Crestron devices such as the CEN-WAP that support discovery protocols. Device Learner: Learns third-party manufacturer's IR codes.

DMPS Tool: Configures audio/video source settings and switching in Crestron DMPS-Series systems. DMTool: Configures audio/video source settings and switching in a Crestron DigitalMedia system in real time. DVPHDTool (if installed): Configures the video window layouts, display output and input sources of the DVPHD.
EDID Configuration Tool: Creates, loads or modifies a custom EDID (Extended Display Identification Data). HD-XSP Tool: Configures and adjusts audio speakers, input and outputs settings, decoding modes, equalization, and mixer outputs via the HD-XSP Surround Sound Processor.
InfiNET EX® Diagnostic Tool: Configures and analyzes devices on an infiNET EX network. MediaTools: Configures the audio/video settings of switchers and processors in real time. Power Management Tool: Configures and reports the power settings and operational status of the CEN-UPS1250. Prodigy® Tools (if installed): Configures the room and source settings for a PAMP4x100 amplifier. QM-Tools: Configures the audio/video settings of QM devices in real time. Sonnex® Tool: Configures the real-time source selection, bridging, bussing, audio and EQ settings of a Sonnex system. This product may be purchased from an authorized Crestron dealer.