Breaking India Rajiv Malhotra Pdf Download
Breaking India: Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines is a book written by Rajiv Malhotra and Aravindan Neelakandan which argues that India's integrity is being undermined by the support of western institutions for the Dravidian movement and Dalit identity.

India's integrity is being undermined by three global networks that have well-established operating bases inside India: (i) Islamic radicalism linked with Pakistan, (ii) Maoists and Marxist radicals supported by China via intermediaries such as Nepal, and (iii) Dravidian and Dalit identity separatism being fostered by the West in the name of human rights. This book focuses India's integrity is being undermined by three global networks that have well-established operating bases inside India: (i) Islamic radicalism linked with Pakistan, (ii) Maoists and Marxist radicals supported by China via intermediaries such as Nepal, and (iii) Dravidian and Dalit identity separatism being fostered by the West in the name of human rights.
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This book focuses on the third: the role of U.S. And European churches, academics, think-tanks, foundations, government and human rights groups in fostering separation of the identities of Dravidian and Dalit communities from the rest of India. The book is the result of five years of research, and uses information obtained in the West about foreign funding of these Indian-based activities. The research tracked the money trails that start out claiming to be for 'education,' 'human rights,' 'empowerment training,' and 'leadership training,' but end up in programs designed to produce angry youths who feel disenfranchised from Indian identity. The book reveals how outdated racial theories continue to provide academic frameworks and fuel the rhetoric that can trigger civil wars and genocides in developing countries. The Dravidian movement's 200-year history has such origins.

Its latest manifestation is the 'Dravidian Christianity' movement that fabricates a political and cultural history to exploit old faultlines. The book explicitly names individuals and institutions, including prominent Western ones and their Indian affiliates.
Its goal is to spark an honest debate on the extent to which human rights and other 'empowerment' projects are cover-ups for these nefarious activities. For more information, or to view videos about this book, visit. Ladies and gentlemen: This is Rajiv Malhotra speaking. Get ready for battle! They are breaking up your beloved country, India! You ask me how? Well, it's quite simple.
Haven't you heard them speaking about the Aryan Invasion time and again, that stupid, discredited theory? Haven't you heard them speak about Dravidians, the non-existent race?
Haven't you seen the nefarious attempts to classify the Dravidian languages as a separate family, instead of agreeing like good nat Ladies and gentlemen: This is Rajiv Malhotra speaking. Get ready for battle! They are breaking up your beloved country, India! You ask me how? Well, it's quite simple.
Haven't you heard them speaking about the Aryan Invasion time and again, that stupid, discredited theory? Haven't you heard them speak about Dravidians, the non-existent race?
Haven't you seen the nefarious attempts to classify the Dravidian languages as a separate family, instead of agreeing like good nationalists that there is no such family, and that all Indian languages have descended from Sanskrit? Oh, you ask me how I can discredit the fact of a Dravidian language family existing, even in the face of overall consensus in the academic world that it does? Don't you know that this family of languages has been first posited by Robert Caldwell, a Scottish pastor, with the express purpose converting all Tamilians to Christianity? You say that Caldwell was a scholar?