Bot Per Pirate Storm
The fastest way to get a lot of diamonds is to pull out your credit card (or subway gift card or paypal account) and.. If you are too cheap to spend real money, the fastest way to get a lot of diamonds is to hunt basilisks (probably with a partner or two) on the next national holiday. If you don't want to wait for a basilisk day, then you might try playing lots of arena (doing the quests for playing 10 and winning 10 each day). Doing Achievements pays eventually (but it will take a while to finish the chests). I don't know about ya'll, but I go through diamond like water! Every player has their favorite farming Zones.
The Daedalus Stormbow is a Hardmode bow that rains arrows down from the sky, instead of coming from the bow itself. It fires three or four arrows per shot, while only consuming a single arrow per shot from the player's inventory. May 15, 2016 Discussion on [Pirate Storm] Golem --> Bot + Wartool within the Browsergames forum part of the Other Online Games category.
I find the higher up you go on the map, the better the diamonds. (Monsters and the small ships in the higher Zones carry quite a lot of diamonds.) My advice is to farm, farm farm.and farm again. Gazovij kotel roka instrukciya bar. When doing quests or missions, take time to farm in that Zone. If you need a huge amount of diamonds for something fast, there are also affordable diamond packages you can buy. Good Luck and Happy Farming! The only quick way to get diamonds is by buying them from BP. Otherwise, you can hunt but there is a daily cap of 6K or so of diamonds a day but it adds up if you keep at it.
I have found the higher zones the best for farming and get 3-5K a day depending on how much i farm. After 4-5K, it will drop off making it harder to get them until you reach the 6K limit for the day.

The cap is to deter using bots and prevent botters from harvesting unlimited diamonds. Other things to do to get more are the Daily quests as you can do several a day from different zones and they pay out varying levels of diamonds as well as the 2 daily arena quests pay 750 diamonds in total every day if you do them. Daily quests are exempt from the daily cap of 6K diamonds per day. As well, you can go after the colossus and participate in special events like hunting basks.