3d Modelj Elektrodvigatelj
The city of Tallinn is involved in eco-innovation, by participating in clusters as well as. Plug-in hybrids grew into the Estonian Electro mobility Programme – ELMO. In terms of the culture sector, a virtual city or the 3D Tallinn model was. City is a modern 36-ha development transformed from the previous Dvigatel factory.
Standard License (Royalty Free) License terms and conditions for transmission of digital items from Seller to Purchaser 1. The Standard License grants you, the purchaser, an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to make use of the digital asset (Item) you have purchased or downloaded for free. By completing a purchase or download you are hereby granted use of the item resulting in an End Product; 3. An End Product is a work that incorporates the Item into a product that is larger in scope. Approved distribution or use of Item as an End Product includes, but is not limited to.
Leveraging technology for growth JSC Aviadvigatel is a leading Russian design company. For 70 years, the company has been developing civilian and military aircraft engines, industrial gas turbines and power plants. Today Aviadvigatel’s engines include the Tupolev 204, Tupolev 214, Ilyushin 96-300, Ilyushin 76MF modern aircraft and the Air Force No. 1 Ilyushin 96-300PU.

The engines are batch produced by JSC Perm Engine Company, a Russian and CIS leader in aircraft and industrial engines production. Both companies are affiliated with the United Aircraft Engine Corporation.
Making the right choice Siemens PLM Software’s solutions have been used at Aviadvigatel since 1994. These systems were among the first large-scale deployments of Siemens PLM Software’s products in Russia.
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“We clearly realized that we needed a CAD system,” recalls Sergei Bormalev, CIO, JSC Aviadvigatel. “We understood that it was necessary both for production planning and engineering analysis support.” In the mid-80s, Aviadvigatel engineers tried 3D modeling for the first time using the early versions of domestic and imported CAD systems.
Before working with Siemens PLM Software’s Russian office, Aviadvigatel had used CATIA® software and Pro/Engineer® software. However the functionality of these solutions was not satisfactory for the design department. In 1994, Unigraphics Solutions, Inc.’s newly opened Russian office provided Unigraphics® software to Aviadvigatel. Eventually, Unigraphics Solutions became Siemens PLM Software and the Unigraphics system became software, a digital product development suite.
“We immediately noticed several NX advantages,” notes Bormalev. “First, the functionality: we required concurrent determined parameterization and modeling in any context. NX was able to do it in contrast to other systems. Second was the excellent price-quality ratio. Third, our U.S.
Strategic partner at that time also used NX (Unigraphics then). However, the greatest benefit is Siemens PLM Software’s reputation as a leading PLM supplier to the aerospace industry. Having evaluated all this, we opted for NX.”. NX – the first steps The NX training was initially organized onsite. “Siemens PLM Software’s top experts worked with us and they provided highly efficient support,” Bormalev says. Then, in 1995 a group of engineers went to Cologne for training. Among them were Aviadvigatel’s designers, as well as several engineers from its manufacturing operation, JSC Perm Engine Company.
“It was teaching teachers,” says Bormalev. “It was an advanced course and we studied the system comprehensively. Later, these engineers transferred their skills to others.” The first project that the company implemented with NX was designing the engine’s most complicated part – a cooled turbine blade, as well as its tooling. The molds, the external and internal surfaces and the ceramic inserts were all modeled in NX.